Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Pair of Sandhill Cranes grace the farm

(clickon photo to enlarge)
For the last couple of years we have seen a Sandhill Crane visit for a few short days in the spring and fly away. However this year three cranes appeared and stuck around for a while. What a ruckus they made. Lovely sight and amazing sounds. We figured they were either one female and two males or the other way around! Which do you figure? Anyway as of yesterday there are only two left - one has left. We now have a distinguished pair in residence and are fortunate to witness early morning dances and all. I hope they stick around and have chicks! We don't possess any fancy cameras so you have to be happy with this picture above. Enjoy!
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  1. They are so beautiful. We do not see them often here at the Johnston's Cranberry Marsh. Only occasionaly have we seen the odd one over the last few years. We did have a pair show up here last spring for a few days. Maybe they are the same ones?
