Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The most AMAZING Orange - what we all eat -YIKES!!

This is a story that I want to share because it blew our minds away.

Most of our full time help on the farm live here with us in the old farm house. The house was closed down for the winter last November when Liam and Geneva took off for Kiwiland. We opened it up again in April and turned the water on etc. Lo and behold on the kitchen table was a fruit bowl full of falling apart dried out gourds, the seeds of which the mice had been feasting on! Yikes!! These once upon a time beautiful fall deco pieces had been grown by us on the farm last season. People don't eat them, but I don't blame the mice! They are clean, wholesome and nutritious - by mice standards that is.

But then bigger YIKES...also in the bowl was an intact orange in its mesh bag from South Africa. It was soft and firm and seemed as though someone had just placed it there. In fact it had stayed in the bowl from sometime in October till we found it in April!! We actually cut it open...it seemed pretty good...Steven our Aussi intern even tried it! Verdict...absolutely tasteless! Question...what did they do to that fruit so it did not go bad???

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